The first ones
Hi there. I know its been a long time since I have updated this blog. Hmm... I was quite busy with office work, and barely managed to keep improving I2. Also, I did generate some nice fractals which are in a sense true illustrations of infinity.
But I think, I should first show you some fractals from my preliminary work before I2. I did these a year back while enjoying my "official" trip to Austin. My colleagues including manager said, "So, is this why I had sent you to Austin, to make fractals?". But my boss is quite cool. He doesn't care how I manage to finish the assigned job. He himself is a fractal enthusiast and keeps sharing his experiences about the good old days at IBM, the place where Benoit Mandelbrot did his research on Fractals. The gallery for you
But I think, I should first show you some fractals from my preliminary work before I2. I did these a year back while enjoying my "official" trip to Austin. My colleagues including manager said, "So, is this why I had sent you to Austin, to make fractals?". But my boss is quite cool. He doesn't care how I manage to finish the assigned job. He himself is a fractal enthusiast and keeps sharing his experiences about the good old days at IBM, the place where Benoit Mandelbrot did his research on Fractals. The gallery for you
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