Updates on I2
I have done significant changes in I2. It supports Julia and Mandelbrot fractals with escape-coloring technique. The browser cache's all the generated fractals along with their corresponding parameters. You can navigate through these fractals using the navigation bar. It supports different modes
As promised yesterday, here are some of the interesting fractals exhibiting the beauty hidden in Infinity.
- Explore Mode (Grab Off): You can generate fractals by tweaking several available parameters.
- Explore Mode ( Grab On): This mode allowes you to pick a particular co-ordinate from the displayed fractal and pan/zoom-in/zoom-out in that location. A cross-hair moves along with the mouse for guidance. You can also monitor the X and Y components of the current coordinate in the navigation bar.
- Animate Mode (Grab On/Off + Save): This mode allows you to iterate the parameters available with current fractal class from a start value to end value in certain steps. You can combine Grab option with it. It further provides allows you to directly save the images in hard-drive. It is particularly useful when you want to generate 100's of frames for some movie clip. This mode can also be used to create life-size fractals.
- Animate Mode (Grab On/Off + Display): This mode can be used to see how the animation would look like by generating few frames. The More frames you would generate, the more memory you would require.
As promised yesterday, here are some of the interesting fractals exhibiting the beauty hidden in Infinity.